Propagate Chrysanthemum Plants From Root Sucker Stems
This method of propagating chrysanthemum plants from root sucker stems is a quick way to multiply hardy garden chrysanthemum plants. If you want to propagate your existing hardy mums in spring, this is an easy reliable method.
Make more chrysanthemum plants in spring
In the spring, look for healthy chrysanthemum plants with groups of leaves that stand out from the main plant and are at least one inch high. These are new growths at the base of the chrysanthemum plant and are referred to as root suckers, or side shoots. They grow from the main plant via a shallow underground root and propagate best when taken in the spring.

Carefully dig around the base of the plant to remove the soil and find the shallow root. Uncover it back to the main plant.

You can see how vibrant this little shoot is with several leafy stems growing from it. Roots have formed, giving it a good foundation to survive on its own once removed from the main plant.
Cut the stem with clean scissors close to the base of the main plant, keeping as much of the root system intact as possible. Below is an example of a side shoot with a healthy root system.

Remove any leaves or stems growing within the roots before planting into individual pots or directly into the ground.

Caring for Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum side shoots will need to be monitored with regular watering and pruning as they get established over the next month or so.
Do not stress the plants during their first four to five weeks of growth. They should be kept moist but not water-logged. A soaker hose helps to ensure the roots have ample moisture without water-logging the ground. Fertilize with 1/2 recommended solution until established.
Remove at least half of the new growth when pinching. This helps to keep the plant from budding prematurely. Remove any buds that may form and pinch stems to encourage branching and leaf growth.
Potted chrysanthemum plants will be ready to be planted in their permanent locations in about six weeks or less.
Using root suckers from hardy mums is an easy way to multiply your plants, or share them with someone who admires yours!
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